by Nadia ten Hove

Introducing the Çağrı RTW 2024/25 Collection by Guovarde: A Revolution of Modesty, Love, Joy, and Jihad.

Guovarde’s remarkable collection is a reflection of the profound inspiration drawn from Islam, encompassing empowerment, light, peace, joy, and love. It serves as a powerful response to the challenges and loss experienced in Türkiye, born from a place of pain and struggle. Through meticulous craftsmanship and thoughtful design, the collection embodies the essence of Islam, offering a transformative narrative of strength and resilience.

In this pursuit of truth and enlightenment, the designer disconnected from the distractions of this dunya (world), finding solace and illumination in the light of Islam. Thus, the Çağrı collection emerges as an invitation to embrace the brighter side of life.

Defying conventional notions of diversity, Guovarde renames and redefines it as “Çağrı,” symbolizing the unified call for inclusivity and unity. This collection embraces modesty in its entirety, weaving together layers of grace and sophistication. As a Muslim creative, the designer presents this collection as a revolution—a revolution of love, joy, and jihad (struggle for a righteous cause).

Guovarde, a sustainable Anatolian non-binary high fashion label, stands as a bridge connecting Turkey and the world. Its mission transcends mere fashion, as it showcases Turkey’s rich culture, history, and politics in a contemporary and innovative manner. In Guovarde’s realm, gender becomes irrelevant, dissolving the boundaries that constrain creativity and self-expression.

What sets Guovarde apart is its commitment to sustainability. Through practices like upcycling, zero waste patterns, and the creation of self-made couture garments from discarded materials, the label embraces unique and responsible methods of production.

The Çağrı RTW 2024/25 Collection by Guovarde represents more than just fashion. It serves as a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of faith. It invites you to embark on a journey where elegance intertwines with social consciousness, where modesty becomes a catalyst for change, and where love, joy, and cihad reign supreme.