Set against the stark yet effervescent environs of Joshua Tree, model and musician Lucky Blue, his wife, Nara Aziza Pellman, and their daughter, Rumble Honey—settled into the organic attributes of the iconic Doolittle House for this Oliver Peoples campaign.

With its distinct shape, the home radiates from the desert floor even though its neutral color palette aligns with the sands and towering rock formations.Within the home and along its expansive outdoor terraces, photographer, Matthew Brookes, captured the Smith trio (soon to be a quartet) for their first-ever photo shoot as a family. It’s a real-life love story—sung in harmony with the home’s eye-catching architecture and photographed with a relaxed vibrance.Lucky Blue has been a guiding force in fashion since he walked his first runway show.

Along the way to global recognition, the cover star coupled his modeling with acting in films and drumming for his band, The Atomics. Always a grounded figure and dedicated to family, he’s prioritized marriage and fatherhood, too. As such, together, the entire Smith family has come to define the future of style.