interview by JANA LETONJA

British-Indian actor Staz Nair is starring in Netflix’s saga ‘Rebel Moon’. The film is being released in two parts, with the first being available since 22nd December. The second part will quickly follow on the heels of the first. 

Staz, you are starring in Netflix’ ‘Rebel Moon’, which just recently released its first part. What excites you the most about this saga?
I think the lore and sheer scale behind it. Zack has been nursing and cultivating these worlds for 3 decades now and I’ve been a fan of Zack since ‘300’, so it’s an honour to be a cog in this wonderful machine. I grew up escaping into worlds like these, so now to exist in one is still very surreal. 

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What can we expect from the second part, which will be coming out soon?
The second part is the meeting of two different people, the warriors and the farmers. It gives a wonderful commentary on the different walks of life and how we can all learn from different ways of living. But beyond that, it’s a deeper dive into how each of the heroes got there and watching their dynamics intersect as they prepare for war. 

In the film, you portray Tarak, a nobleman-turned-blacksmith, with the ability to bond with animals of nature and rally them in combat. What makes you connect the most with your character?
On paper, Tarak and I are quite different. I’m quite an externalized individual, I go to the world, whereas Tarak is far more insular than I am, but he feels immensely. I thought it would be fun to subvert his aesthetic and make him sensitive and introspective. I’d say where we connect most is sensitivity, sensitivity through loss and survival. I also left home when I was young and forged tools through having to rely on myself. Regarding his relationship with animals, I actually used to foster pit bulls. I’ve always loved them and felt that so much of them just need love, patience and discipline through respect, not fear. There was a lot of that mentality that came into taming the Bennu in the first flight scene. 

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One of your previous roles was as one of the main Dothraki warriors in ‘Game of Thrones’. How has this role, in such a popular show, impacted your career?
Massively. As an actor, all we can ask for is the opportunity to perform and display our work. The rest is up to a myriad of things that are out of our control. ‘Game of Thrones’ opened new doors for me to be taken seriously as an actor, allowed me to learn from the caliber of actors in the show and gave me more opportunities. I was also living on my friend’s floor when I booked it, so it was a moment that disempowered my imposter syndrome enough to think “Okay, maybe I’m not crazy to think I can make this my career”.

What excites you the most about acting and being able to portray different characters, and live through different stories?
Art is meant to portray, challenge and romanticize the state of society and the psychological standpoint of people. And when it’s done well, the spectator is left either relating, connecting or just having an emotional response to what they saw. Being able to move people, to give people a moment to feel understood or even to escape is what I love most about this. Art has always been cathartic for me and has helped me understand the world a little better. My hope is the projects I’m a part of do the same for others.  

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So far, which role has had the biggest impact on you?
I would have to say ‘Rebel Moon’. Whilst ‘Game of Thrones’ was the catalyst and a cornerstone moment, ‘Rebel Moon’ is my first lead in a blockbuster and getting to share the stage with some of these actors and call them peers is stuff that dreams are made of. Also without giving too much away, my backstory in part 2 hit very close to home and whilst it’s an action movie, elicited some pretty heavy emotions. It was wonderful to have that challenge. 

How and when did you know you wanted to become an actor?
Ever since I was a kid really. I didn’t play with toys, I drew, played the piano and created characters. At 6 years old, I had an alter ego ‘Kahneeya’, who would run around naked with his pyjamas on his head and nothing, but Wellington boots on. Creating was always a natural modicum of expression for me. 

Who is your biggest inspiration and role model in the industry?
There’s too many to name, but I will say I grew up watching Anthony Hopkins and Djimon Hounsou. Their dedication to the role and telling the story honestly and viscerally is what I aspire towards. We’re all striving to give a story and a person justice, and these guys always manage to do that. I also have so much love for Chris Hemsworth and Dwayne Johnson The Rock, who are consummate family men and champion being fathers and husbands first and foremost. 

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Tell us more about yourself. What do you enjoy most in life, besides acting?
I’m a bird and fossil nerd. I love bird watching and finding historic moments trapped in stone. There’s something romantic and powerful about holding time in your hands. Also my wife. There’s nothing I enjoy more than her time and company.  

What can you share with us about your future projects and your biggest career aspirations?
Well obviously, we have part 2 of ‘Rebel Moon’ coming out in April, so that’s super exciting. I also just finished a VR TV show that I can’t say much about, but it was super interesting to be a part of something that’s on the forefront of this new medium that will no doubt evolve and become more and more popular over the years. Also, I’m currently creating and writing a TV show with two of my closest creative friends. It’s a show that’s going to marry high stakes action and comedy, but with real heart. Can’t say much yet, but we have an amazing team and we’re close to the finish line now. Fingers crossed that it’ll be on your screens in 2025. 

In terms of aspirations, I want to keep taking on roles that challenge me creatively and give me a broader understanding of the human condition and ultimately myself. To be a working actor is a miracle statistically, so I’m just grateful for what this journey will bring my way and look forward to putting 110 % into whatever projects I’m fortunate enough to do. 

talent STAZ NAIR
photography DAVID HIGGS at Exclusive Artists
styling assistant JAKE MITCHELL
editorial director and interview JANA LETONJA