interview by JANA LETONJA

Actress and singer Bailee Madison has been acting since a very young age.She’s currently starring in ‘Pretty Little Liars: Summer School’, which just returned with its second season on 9th May.

Bailee, you star on ‘Pretty Little Liars: Summer School’, which just got back to our screens for the second season. What can the fans expect this season?
We are so excited to be back for a second season and the reaction so far has been incredibly fulfilling for all of us. You can expect this season to be bigger and bolder. The visual tone of the show has changed, it’s summer now. The girls are closer and more united than ever. The scares and our villain this season have no remorse. The nods to classic horror films are present and summer romances are flickering. The girls have a lot of healing to do from Season 1’s trauma, so you will see them in therapy with an OG PLL icon, Dr. Sullivan. This season is so much fun to watch. It will also break your heart, have you guessing theories and holding your breath, hoping the girls make it out alive.

Tell us more about your character Imogen and her journey so far. What excites you the most about portraying her?
Imogen means so much to me. She’s a character that I care deeply about. I’m so thankful to our creators, Roberto and Lindsay, and our entire writing team for writing Imogen and all of the girls the way they do. As an actor, it’s a dream to put myself in the emotional landscape of Imogen. She is doing her best this season to heal, but as you see early in episode one, she’s having an identity crisis and trying to mask just how deep her wound is. She has given up her baby for adoption and as much as she knows it’s for the best, it’s yet another loss in her life. The questions circulating in Imogen’s mind this season are “How can I keep the people in my life safe? Can I be desirable and lovable? Am I going insane? Am I broken forever?” She’s as unhinged as ever this season and is bound to have a messy, wild ride.

With the series being part of the iconic ‘Pretty Little Liars’ franchise, how excited was getting cast in this role?
Oh, I cried. I found out I was joining the show on my first day of filming another movie, and I remember being in the makeup chair with just tears flowing. I was beyond excited. I had been waiting for weeks to hear back after my test and I felt so deeply that I had to be a part of this. I was a huge fan of Roberto’s work and his mind, and I knew that if I was going to be part of this show, I would be challenged as an actor in ways I hadn’t been yet.

coat, skirt, bodysuit and shoes ROBERTO CAVALLI
bracelets and earrings MISHO

Have you been a fan of the original series yourself?
It was such a full-circle, kismet moment for me, as well as a huge honour. I grew up as one of the biggest fans of the show, so as much as the show means to others, it means the same to me. I’m so happy that the PLL legacy can live on within our show and these new characters, while also being accepted as its own identity and world.

With the immense success of the original series, what pressure does that put on the cast and crew of this spin-off?
I think in the first season we felt the pressure, but we were never trying to recreate the original. You can’t touch something so iconic and try to recreate it. Our show is meant to continue the legacy of PLL while taking you on a new, fresh ride and allowing the nostalgia of the original to be felt. The pressure was more about hoping people would understand what we were trying to do. Thankfully, when our first season came out, we were greeted with acceptance and open arms. Now, the level of love and protection that the viewers hold for our show is the same kind of feeling I remember having as a fan of the original, which means so much to us.

Entering the second season, we were able to remove any pressure. We felt confident in our choices, our world and what we are doing. I truly believe that this show has so much left to say and do, and we are eager to continue telling our story.


Throughout your career so far how would you describe your development as an artist?
I think my heart has always remained open to any and all genres, which has allowed me to create freely as an artist and learn so much. This openness has helped me develop an instinct within my choices that I can lean on and trust.

Starting as a child actor, I’ve had to develop my artistry through different stages and ages of my life. I’ve been the kid, the tween, the teen, and now, stepping into and owning myself as a young woman in my 20s feels both an honor and incredibly exciting. It’s like each phase of my life has added new layers to my craft, much like a painter adding depth with each brushstroke.

There’s still so much growth and development to be had, but I feel like I’ve only just begun. The journey ahead is filled with endless possibilities and I’m eager to explore them all.

Is there any particular role that made a really big impact on your career and you as an individual?
I feel like so many projects have helped me get to where I am today, so I have to give credit to many of them. If I had to pick one, I would say ‘Brothers’. This film was really the first one that allowed me to emotionally exist in a story that was so truthful and grounded. I was eight years old when I did it and the actors I was around, the experience on set, and the aftermath of its release truly made a significant impact on my career and on me as a person.


Earlier this year, you also released your first single. Tell us more about your music career and your plans for its future.
Music has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. I’ve spent my whole life telling character stories and now I feel ready to tell my own stories. I find music to be an incredible vessel for that and also a healing experience. My boyfriend, who is a musician and a wonderful producer, helped me with my first single and we are currently working on more music together. Without saying too much, new music is coming, and I’m enjoying every second of this process.

When you’re not on set or in the studio, what are the things you enjoy most on days off?
I love being intentional on my off days and listening to what my soul and body need. Being with the people I love, cooking, journaling, going on long walks and being a couch potato while binge-watching TV shows I never get to watch are some of my favourite activities. However, it would be wrong to say that I can completely turn my creativity off. It runs through me whether it’s an on day or an off day, so I enjoy embracing that and resetting my mind.

What can you share with us about your other upcoming projects?
I wish I could share, but if PLL has taught me anything, it’s how to keep a secret.

top, shorts and jacket ALBERTA FERRETTI

photography KOLBY KNIGHT
styling CHARLIE WARD at See Managemen
makeup MEGAN LANOUX at The Wall Group
hair CHRIS NASELLI at The Wall Group using Color WOW
editorial director and interview JANA LETONJA