From mid-September through the end of November “Spirit of the Forest”, the window installation by Dutch Invertuals, is brought to life to celebrate the next chapter of Hermès’ 2022 theme “Lighthearted!”. Permeated with humor and innocence, visitors are invited to dive into Hermès’ artisanal worlds. 

Set between the imaginary and the real, the digital and the physical, Dutch Invertuals’ narrative blends known realities with magical creatures. Navigating through the virtual sphere mechanisms, every element of these carefully crafted scenes displays the untold as the most telling. 

The installation merges towering trees with blobbing organisms, leading to an imaginary forest. Constructed out of paperpulp, pressed, and layered with vivid color nuances – the variation in greens as foliage and bark change with the altitude– and 3D print technology. We plunge into a soundscape where nature emerges beyond nature. Inside this modern mythical world, organisms envelop the displayed objects, and holographic spirits inhabit as gatekeepers. Soft silk joys become cocoons encapsulated inside these living organisms while flying footwear essentials blossom, we see equestrian inspired jewelry shine out from deep within, blazing with the vibrancy of an ever-changing ecosystem. 

Originally named “Crystal Houses” and designed with unprecedented technical virtuosity, the store’s building on P.C. Hooftstraat creates a connection between the urban landscape and the interior  space. The façade with glass bricks, as if dissolving into one another, enables visitors to see the eight- meter-tall installation across its full length.  

For Dutch Invertuals “Lighthearted!” is a state of mind. Founded by Wendy Plomp, the Eindhoven-based design studio examines new creative thinking to explore the radical interconnection with our  physical context, identity, and culture. With an array of over ninety design specialists, its approach aims to develop new visions as we embark on the Anthropocene era.