To celebrate its 50th Anniversary, C.P. Company dedicates the first chapter of its anniversary series to the unique relationship between Massimo Osti and Lucio Dalla with a collection and a documentary “Lucio DALLA & Massimo OSTI. IMPRENDIBILI”, to illustrate Massimo Osti and Lucio Dalla relationship: not only a friendship, but also a shared vision: both personalities were great innovators, led by a big curiosity and with an eye always towards the future. The narration of their relationship is given custody of friends and personalities who lived those years of great cultural ferment in Bologna and of clips from Massimo Osti and Fondazione Lucio Dalla archives.

In addition to the capsule collection, and to pay homage to the big italian artist, C.P. Company and Fondazione Lucio Dalla have realized an artists' residency with students coming from NABA (Milan) and DAMS (Bologna). The arstists’ residency has taken place at Lucio Dalla’s house, in Bologna, a magic place that recounts the artist’s career and passions, through his great life. The documentary will be available on C.P. Company Cinquanta website, in addition to official social media channels.