In the words of Andres Kronhaler:

“Dearest all,
Resume. No, it’s not a retrospective. Private. A survey.
I organised and numbered Vivienne’s personal wardrobe, clothes we did together. Revisited. Reworked.
The collection coming out in the order I picked them, numbered from a hat.
Where I felt I changed, or I added, or I took away.
Loved the way she dressed. Always the opposite of everybody else.
Wore things until they fell apart – her corduroy suit which she wore over twenty years constantly. A great mender always done in bed – never wasted anything.
She understood how to make the most of herself – the most of it!
Her thought was always somewhere else, somewhere exciting, that’s what made her so attractive.
She had a very special relationship to time, she truly travelled in her mind.
I owe her so much.”